Monday, September 24, 2007

My Sister Moms

I am not a mom -- yet. Lord, willing, someday I'll share in that blessing. But these days I'm overjoyed for my sister moms who are enjoying that special blessing in their lives. In my last post, I mentioned my sis-in-law, Kari, who is the mom of our first nephew (the first grandchild, on that side of the family), Max. Kari's sister, Melissa, is also expecting a little one in February (can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl!). Our dear friends David and Sharon just became parents yesterday -- it was a precious, long awaited boy! (see pictures here.) I am so happy for these friends. I share in their joy.

I was thinking happily about these new moms today -- as well as my sister-in-law Janet, who is the mother of my darling neicelet Schmader-cakes. I was praying for them to glorify the Lord for their blessings, and to see those little ones as a reflection of the good Giver who gives all things. I am thankful that God's grace has enabled me to be content without children, and to be able to ask myself the right kind of questions about being a mother when I am tempted to slip into self-pity. Motherhood is certainly not a right -- it's a privilege. It is a good thing, but it is not the best thing -- in other words, it can become an idol just like anything else. It's amazingly the same as idolizing marriage, which was something I struggled with in my single life. I'm glad to see that the lesson of contentment is pretty much the same as life goes on -- and I can learn it better and better all the time. I learn it more gladly, too, as I know the Controller of my destiny better and better.

Check out this great article by Mary Mohler. I hope it is an encouragement to all my sister moms out there!


sara said...

Thanks for that link- I enjoyed the article. I skimmed it and enjoyed the in the Word, Pray, be content (!), be happy in the mundane, etc- good reminders! Thanks Gret!

Anonymous said...

I've appreciated that about you Gret - very positive - you are a thankful person and that really creates a different outlook on life. I don't think I've recall hearing you complain. Hope to see you again for another round of settlers...we're getting to be pros around these here parts! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your perspective on being an aunt! You are truly rejoicing with those who rejoice! I need to be reminded to rejoice instead of being jealous (which is what usually happens) with family and friends who are blessed with children. Thanks for the good word on contentment! I too am thankful for the contentment God has given me and am striving not to make motherhood an idol. I just LOVE that Mary Mohler article--a good word indeed! Love ya! ~annie

Anonymous said...

What would you say to someone who says that a woman's God-given purpose in life should be to have children unless she is physically unable? I hope this doesn't become contraversal, but I have heard that recently and I highly doubt you agree with it.
I love you...and cede..; )

Emily said...

man, I hate when I forget to sign in....

Anonymous said...

That was a very good article, encouraging to mothers and especially to those who are at home with their kids.

Gretchen said...

Sara -- thanks for reading it! I just love Mrs. Mohler and her strait forward approach!

Geen -- you are too kind. I certainly complain. But I am learning to take my complaints to the foot of the cross with the rest of my sins!

Annie -- Yay! You commented. Bless you, dear. I know you know where I am coming from, the old "you're so good with kids, why don't you have any?" :) Jealousy is so EASY and Contentment is HARDER! :) I will pray for contentment for both of us!

Emma -- that statement can be made not intending to actually apply to everyone as a sort of general overview of God-given roles for women or it can actually be meant as it is stated, as in -- everyone should have children. Clearly there are too many factors that go into each individual woman's call to motherhood to make such a blanket statement apply to all women. I do believe that we are called to be mothers -- whether spiritual mothers, adoptive mothers, or physical mothers. I don't think it is right for a woman to live her entire life absorbed in herself, but "reproducing" can manifest itself in many ways. Does that make sense? I can only imagine what context you heard that statement in, and I would say I initially disagree with it, and I would be cautious how I said such a thing, because that is obviously potentially hurtful to many people! Just as marriage is good, motherhood is good. But God determines what paths we all take. And it is wrong to decide that one path is the same for everyone.

MR -- I'm glad you read it! I know, I just love Mrs. Mohler's perspective on being a stay-at-home mom. She asks good questions about our motives, doesn't she!

jillybean said...

Gret (& Josh),

Just had to tell you that I got to see Keith and Krysten Getty in chapel at Cedarville Univ. today. Great, great, great! I purchased one cd "Modern Hymns", i think was the title. I wanted to purchase more, but they were sold out of most everything else. An excellent ministry and presentation! Just thought you would appreciate. :)