It's been quite a while since I've posted. Here is what we are up to:
Susie -- using the big girl potty! She's done well, and usually has a selection of books to read while she's in there. :) She's also getting pretty great at "reading" out loud to Chip. She likes to read Dr. Seuss books, especially Green Eggs and Ham and The Ear Book. She can recognize the letters S, O, Y, X and E. I am not sure where she picked them all up!
Chip -- smiling, bouncy seat, tummy time and getting chubby. It's a full time job, and he's OH so sweet!
I'm reading Loving the Little Years and Give Them Grace right now. Both very good and encouraging. I'm getting ready to move to becoming a full time SAHM, which I'm really looking forward to! Big plans to read more and write more on the blog. But mainly. . . snuggle my kids and play with them more.