I enjoyed my reading this month very much! I completed Basbanes' A Gentle Madness, and read chunks of Books that Changed the World. Initially, I'd intended to skim How to Read a Book, but only got through the first few chapters before I ran out of time. I don't think it's possible to begin to read a book like that, and then decide to gloss over the content! Even if it means not quite making my goal, I am happy to finish reading Mortimer Adler's classic work in the future so I can really enjoy it. I'm glad I challenged myself anyway!
For your viewing and pondering pleasure, I've put up a woodcut by Albrecht Durer that I've come to love called "The Book Fool" (from the religious work, The Ship of Fools). It is also on the cover of the gorgeous 600-page book I just finished. Happy April Fool's Day to you all!
Check back soon for a new installment in my series on the Benzing Family!