Monday, September 04, 2006


This morning I went for a run and I was listening to my MP3 player that Josh got me for my birthday. Besides being able to power myself a little faster because of the upbeat tempo of the songs, I was able to "transcend" above just a common outing -- and into a true time of worship.

The sun was streaming beautifully in the late summer sky. The trees were lush and green, at the peak of their summer glory -- magnifying God with every leaf. The song I was listening to was "Lifesong" by Caedman's Call in which the refrain "let my lifesong sing to you!" is sung over and over. I truly felt that the work of my muscles and sweat on my skin was singing to the Almighty God above, because my thoughts were so stayed upon Him, and I was so thouroughly happy in those thoughts. I wasn't thinking about my strides, pace, breathing; I wasn't stuck dwelling on my body and how out of shape it is. I was just glorying in Christ. And then I realized. I couldn't hear the sound of my footsteps. I couldn't hear myself breathe. I was able to break into a HUGE sprint right at the end, and sense nothing except the words of the song, and speed of the wind on my face. It was amazing! The closest I have felt to flying!

It dawned on me that our Christian life would be just like that -- we would be able to go for tireless sprints -- if we could completely block ourselves out of our minds! I think I get more and more muddled when I am over-self-analyzing. Trying to be "perfect" is so secondary to just worshipping the One who is Delightfully Perfect!


  1. That is so awesome...there is really no other way to describe it...Only a true and living God could create such peace and joy! Thanks of sharing...I'll have a better day...

    I could use a jog...or two...or twenty...

  2. Thanks! I am trying to build up the mileage so I can run the mini with G-Knee next year! :)

    And I have a correction to make on the song -- it is by Casting Crowns, not Caedman's Call. Easy to mix up!

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Gretchen - that is so cool. God is so gracious to give us those times when we are truly stayed on Him. They are the BEST! Keep on - girl! (although-I'm not sure I could ever run the mini!! but keep me posted, just in case!)

  4. Wow, that was really inspiring! It almost brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for the edification today.

    I have been working on my blog and I think it is coming along now. Thanks so much for helping me get it started!
