Thursday, February 14, 2008

Because He Loves Me: How God's Love Transforms Our Identity and Life

I'm here with the facts about the Elyse Fitzpatrick conference! Wow! I had no idea it was actually going to be compatible with my work schedule. . . I am going to do everything I can to make it!

In case you are interested in coming, here are the details:

When: March 6, 2008 5:00pm-8:00pm
Cost: $10 (includes dinner)
Where: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of course! (which means you get to stay with Gretchen).
Contact: Lilly Park (502)897-4608
Deadline: March 1st (or else you get no dinner)

Please stay until the next day when you can get your books signed by Elyse at the bookstore where I work.

Now, who wants to come?

By the way, I'm still taking names and books for the March Reading Challenge. You can enter all the way until March. And I seriously am cooking up some sort of prizes!


  1. Gretchen,
    Thanks for the nice comment. I haven't heard from you for a while. Good to hear from you again!!

  2. I would love to be there....

    I have read several of her books and heard her speak at a NANC counseling conference. She is great! Glad you get to be on the conference.

  3. Hi Gretchen,

    Sounds like you have a fun time coming up. There are definitely a lot of extra benefits you get for working at the bookstore.

    I'm mainly writing to ask you for some book recommendations. Several missionaries have told me to make sure I take plenty of reading material because resources are limited once you're on the mission field. I would like to go buy some books and just put them in one of the boxes we're shipping down and it will be like a little Christmas for me throughout the year. :)

    Thanks a bunch!


  4. Oh I hope you do get to go!  Let me know :)Also, about coffee this Monday...I completely forgot until I looked at my calendar that that's the night Indelible Grace is going to be at your church.  Were you planning on going?  We wanted to go, and I just completely forgot about it when you and I were talking about coffee!  Let me know if you were planning to go!!

  5. Anonymous7:35 PM

    woohoo I can come after class. How come I haven't heard about this conference yet? I'm so out of it these days!
    oh if you have a friend that needs a bed I have an extra one. Can't guarantee I can be a good hostess since I'm so busy but hey I'll try if I have to!

  6. Hi Gretchen,
    Someone passed a blogging award to me today. I have decided to pass it along to you!!

  7. Anonymous4:47 PM

    OH MAN! We just had her here last week. She's great...and so down to earth...I'm going to talk to Melissa.

  8. Sharon,

    Check back here for recommendations for you. I think I'll do a post on it, okay? :)

    Heather -- you probably haven't heard about it because they were sort of slow to advertise. It's starting to get out now, a little bit. I'm so glad you're going to try to come!

    Rebecca -- thanks for the award -- that's so cute!

    Geen -- I bet the conference was great!
