Stepping off that soapbox now . . .
For Kids:
1.The Little Lights Series by Catherine MacKenzie in this series are short biographies of Corrie Ten Boom, Amy Charmichael, Hudson Taylor and George Mueller. I love Catherine MacKenzie's God-centered books published by Christian Focus. I would call them early readers, but they have pictures on every page, so they would make great read-alouds.
2. The Story of the Treasure Seekers by Edith Nesbit or anything else by her. In case you are a new reader of my blog, you can read a review of that delightful book here. Really, this book would be great for anybody who likes to read.
3. The Dangerous Book for Boys .
I liked this one so much better than its companion, (The Daring Book for Girls) -- because it is just so BOYISH. The back cover says it all: "Recapture Sunday afternoons and long summer days. The perfect book for every boy from eight to eighty."
For grownups:
1. Shopping for Time by Carolyn Mahaney. This light book is aimed at the heart, and the perfect present for a woman of any age or position of life. Who doesn't need to learn how to better manage their time? How can I not recommend this book that has changed my life?
3. Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon. Some mornings at work we read the day's selection from this book, and I have been so blessed by each little devotional by the eloquent Spurgeon. This is perhaps the new book I want most of all, to read each morning and evening.
4. The
5. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This classic edition makes a great gift for a book collector or avid reader.