For Chip -- Christmas in the Manger by Nola Buck illustrated by Felicia Bond. I stumbled upon this book and ordered him a good used board book copy and I am delighted by it! It reads well and has sweet illustrations -- just perfect for a baby's first Christmas book. Susie will love it as well, and will probably memorize it since it rhymes. I tend to look for books by Christian writers/publishers, but not in this case. It's truly not important to explore the depths of the incarnation with an infant, so I'm happy with this little book that ends with "I am the baby asleep in the hay; I am the reason for Christmas day".
Two other titles I considered this year, and would still like to get down the road are Little One We Knew You'd Come also by Sally Lloyd-Jones (but out of print, bummer. . . gotta find out what the deal is with that) and Mary's Happy Christmas Day by Kathleen Bostrom. The former is a gorgeous hardcover with rich words and the latter looked like a cute board book for Chip (I have not read it in person, so don't bank on it being amazing! In this case, I am quite literally judging a book by its cover!).
I have written about the books I've given the past couple years in past posts, so I'm linking to those below. Keep in mind that I have a 2 year old, so we've done really young books! I tend to jump ahead of myself, but Lord willing we have many more years to get to those deeper things.
Here are links to what I have done for Advent in the past:
Last year
Pre-children years here and here (there are some kid-affiliated ideas in these posts)
I got Song of the Stars this year and am really excited about it. It is a beautiful book and I like the way it grows throughout the story. I can't however get over the last line in the book, it just seems to need something to finish it off don't you think? :)
ok, so upon reading the book more (it was our first book to open) the last line makes more sense. I was reading it in a more poetic way than was necessary. If I just read it like normal book rather than a poem it flows well. Just had to say that so you didn't think I was a moron. :)
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