This is chapter one in my life story, which I'm linking up at Mommy's Piggy Tales, where we're writing 15 parts to our story.
As I began to think about how to write this first chapter of my life, I was overcome with sadness thinking about my mom. Looking at the tiny pictures of frail, newborn Gretchen makes my heart long for and hurt for my mother. I was a baby my parents waited and waited and prayed for, and yet when I finally came, there was sorrow mixed with the joy. Let me tell you what happened.
My mom and dad prayed for a child for 7 years of their marriage, and the Lord answered their prayers by giving them my brother, through adoption. When he was only 9 months old, my mom found out she was pregnant with me! Here is a

I'm not sure how quickly my condition was discovered, but pretty soon they could see I was born with a congenital heart defect -- a narrowing and lengthening of the aortic valve, and I was struggling for life. At 4 days, I underwent open heart surgery -- a clipping and mending of the valve, something that is almost never done anymore. As a child my mom told me stories about the tiny baby I was, fighting for life. The nurses called me "spider monkey" because I was long and skinny -- and spirited. They had to tie down my hands so I didn't pull the needles out of my head, and I would kick and kick and kick the one leg that was free -- dressed only in a diaper and one sock. Oh, I am so thankful I have these memories of Mom telling me these stories! How frightened my poor mother must have been! I can only imagine the fear related to watching your tiny baby go through something that drastic. On this day last year, my sister in law went through something similar as her newborn had exploratory brain surgery. I spent the day clutching my newborn Susie and praying through my tears, my mind fathoming how Kari could be feeling for her child to have such a surgery. That was my taste of my mom's experience -- not the same, I know, but even that close was incredibly intense!

Though I can't quite relate with the depth of her experience, I can relate with some of how she felt -- she was 31 when she had me, and I was about to turn 31 when I had Sus. She had been married for over 8 years, and I celebrated my 8th anniversary in the hospital with a newborn in my arms. She had prayed for a child, and I did the same, for many years. I know how much my mother cherished her children, and I feel the exact same way about my wee girl.
My parents chose the name Gretchen Brooke for me (and my last name was Benzing -- amazingly enough, my pediatric cardiologist was named George Benzing! We were distant relatives). If I were a boy, I would have been Nicholas (they kept that name on deck for the next 3 girls as well, but never got the chance to use it!). Gretchen was chosen because I have an ancestor in Germany whose name was Margretta, and Gretchen is a form of that name. I think my mom must have just liked it. Brooke was after a dear friend of my mother's, Brooke Riddle. She had taught in public school with Mom, and was a godly Christian woman who knew how to open her home and make everyone feel right at home. Mom made sure I knew why I was named after Brooke -- she did have an extraordinary gift for hospitality. . . and still does to this day! I always loved Brooke Riddle, and loved my name as well.
The last picture I'm sharing is of the day I finally

I received excellent care at Cincinnati Children's Hospital and continued to have good reports from Dr. Benzing throughout my life. My heart defect never slowed me down participating in sports in childhood, or in my adult life, carrying a baby to term and going through labor. What a mighty God we serve who can not only heal a frail tiny baby, but strengthen the hearts of their parents to trust in Him as they helplessly stand by and watch. I saw this last year with my nephew Sawyer, and know it was true for my parents as well.
Just awesome! I love the way you told your story also. What a precious tribute to your parents also.
Gret - I didn't know any of this about you ... not even your middle name! :) I look forward to reading the next chapter!
<3 you!
I didn't know this either, Gretchen! What a testament to God's grace that your story and your mom's is so similar. I bet you just cling to those special memories now! Thanks for sharing - I can't wait to read more!
Oh, and I've always LOVED your name!
What an amazing story! It's so wonderful that you are here today...what a scary experience that must have been for your mom! I can't even imagine.
Hey Gret those were trying but precious times as we trecked to the hospital daily a time for your mother and I to bond in a new and special way.A time for us to practice the faith and beliefs that had been a spoken part of our lives.
It is hard to comprehend but if God had not spared your life there would be no Susie.....Love you DAD.
I loved reading your story. Our 3rd was born with a congenital heart defect and so some of your story I can really relate to. I'm really looking forward to reading more of your story!
Wow! Your mom was a trooper. What a beautiful story!
granted, I cry easily these days, but oh, what a beautiful story! As a mother who has had to watch helplessly as my babies fought for life, I can remember how it felt. But what an HONOR to be chosen by God for that task. Your mom was such a special lady. We miss you around here Gret, thanks for sharing!
I remember when you were born and hearing that you had to have open heart surgery, but it was very interesting to read the entire story. Your mom (and dad) was amazing with her children and it shows so much in your parenting. My fifth child, Samuel, was hospitalized for an unexplained high fever when he was 5 days old. We wondered for about 3 days if it was life threatening menengitis, but Praise God it wasn't. But those 3 days were the longest of my life. I can't imagine having that young of a baby undergo such serious surgery. But Thank God he healed you! Looking forward to part 2!
Your story is so touching. I cried and my heart reached out to your mom. 4 days old? When my 14 monther when into surgery for ear tubes, I almost cried, and then when he was 21 months going in again, I did cry. I can't imagine having my 4 day old undergo heart surgery after I had been praying so long for her. Your mom is amazing! As are you!
An amazing beginning. You can see the hand of God in the details. You tell it well and it's obvious - you understand and appreciate what the Lord has done! I look forward to hearing your story unfold through the weeks.
How amazing that you and your mother's journeys were so similar. It also gives hope to the women I pray for that have yet to become a mother.
The expression and body language of you mother is so powerful. I wish every child could be so blessed to have a mother like her.
This is so neat! I love that you're writing out your story!
Amazing story and you told it beautifully! Loved it!
What an amazing story, Gretchen! I think your baby looks just like you as a baby.
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