Last Thursday, I attending the Elyse Fitzpatrick event I promoted here, and it was outstanding. She urged us to not overlook the gospel even as we search the scripture for the "to-do" lists. She asked "In seeking to pursue godliness, have you left Jesus behind?" and reminded us that we're "more sinful and flawed than I ever dared believe". One of her scriptural examples were Ephesians 4:31-32 -- "Be ye kind . . . forgiving one another". Often I focus on the part that is my job, and forget the rest of the verse "even as God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven you." There it is -- the GOSPEL! That is what enables me to forgive -- because I am forgiven! She urged us not to be bored with the gospel, because it is so familiar, and not to think of it only as the "door" into the Christian life, but instead as the WHOLE of the Christian life, our means of accomplishing any of those divine "to-dos".
I left, reeling.
The next day was supposed to be the book signing. But it snowed and snowed more than it has in 14 years, so Elyse took an early flight out of here. She did kindly stop by and sign
I was SO sad that the book signing wasn't able to take place. Oh well... :)
I was so challenged by her emphasis on remembering the Gospel that enables us to-do! Can I sign up for the book discount? Do ya'll have her new book on suffering too? I read a really good review of it this week. Can't remember the title...Also, do you have any idea where to order CDs of her talk? I want to send it to some of my family. Had a great time with you the past two evenings! :)
Ooh, I'm interested!:) Glad to hear her talk went well--I really wish I could have gone (alas, I had to work:(). But if I do end up getting her book, hopefully that will give a lot of the good stuff from her seminar.
I'm thankful for you, and I thought you did a GREAT job with the Passover story (and costumes, decorations, lamb, . . . ) last night!
Grace -- you should have left your books with me to get signed!
Annie -- I'll give you a coupon. They're gorgeous. Um, not sure about the book on suffering. Hmm. I'll look. As for the CDs, I think you have to go through the school of Biblical Counseling office.
Jenn -- you are so sweet! Passover is good times -- truly, one of my favorite holidays. Would you like a coupon, too? I DO think her new book will be a lot like her talk.
Gretch - R U attending the women's conference this Saturday at Southern? I'll be there with Sals and Jaimes. Hope to see you there!
Hugs not Drugs,
Sign me up for a coupon!!
Oh, and I'd like a coupon if it's not too late (sorry, forgot to mention that in my comment, heehee) :)
I'd love the coupon Gret!
Love you!
Elyse ROCKS! I could listen to her for a long time. She is so real and grounded and authentic. (redundancy mine) I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
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