Wednesday, December 12, 2007

ETS Sale

Let me take a pause here and put on my bookstore sales-girl hat and announce a surprise sale at the bookstore where I work:

Today we got in 2 pallets of books leftover from the Evangelical Theological Society which met in San Diego last month. The books are all at least 50% off, and all from Crossway or Banner of Truth, mainly academic books, commentaries, Puritan works, but also a load of ESV Bibles and John Piper books.

Just in time for Christmas! If you live around here, the sale starts tomorrow (as soon as we unpack everything -- which we will probably still be doing as we open). If not, I'd be happy to take phone orders from faraway friends like I did for the Jesus Storybook Bible. You can find the bookstore's phone # on the SBTS website.

I wish I could give you a list of the inventory but it would be ridiculously long. I will point out a couple things of note that you might like -- but quantities are very limited, so let me know ASAP if you want me to pull something for you! Then you can call the store at your convenience!

1. The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever only $4.97

2. ESV Journaling Bibles -- prices vary, but about 50% off each (this plum one is pretty, I think)

3. Several Audio Books like this one starting at $5.97 (This one is only $16.97 )

4. The newest book from Desiring God conference

5. The Children's ESV Bible for $11.97

6. This wonderful book by Susannah Spurgeon which I got last year at the ETS sale (not sure the price, but it is a little paperback -- probably around $5)

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Hi Gretchen,

Thanks so much for sending the Advent Calendar! We received it today. The boys are eager to get started on it.

They've been enjoying the Usborne Advent Nativity Set and popping out a new piece each morning. We hadn't observed Advent in the past (we didn't grow up doing that), so it's neat to see the boys excited about Advent, the nativity, and baby Jesus.

I should visit a local bookstore to finish my Christmas shopping. What a wonderful time of year to show Christ to those around us.

Thanks again!

Norah Hurts said...

Hi Gretchen,

Could you send us your current mailing address? And also, David left a voicemail on Josh's phone about getting the Mark Dever book on evangelism. I can call with payment information or we can pick it up on our way through Louisville here in a couple of week. Just let me know what works best for you.

Gretchen said...

MR -- glad you got it! Sorry it was so late.

Sharon -- yes, I got him one. Would it work if we brought it to Illinois next Friday? Won't you guys be at Calvary the next Sunday? I didn't know you were coming through L-ville, but that's GREAT if you are! (if we're here, of course).