The Poky Little Puppy -- who doesn't know this classic? But it is one of the very earliest books I remember. To this day, the sight of a strawberry growing in the grass jars my thoughts to the Poky Puppy's discovery of the strawberry. Last night Susie and I found strawb

2. Chicken Soup with Rice -- this is a family fave! Mom must have read this to us a zillion times, because as a toddler, my brother could recite the rhymes "paddle once, paddle twice, paddle chicken soup with rice". If you aren't familiar with this old book, I'll just tell you that it is a book of months, with each month telling you that chicken soup with rice was just the thing to eat! We begged Mom to get this kind of soup at the store (even though I remember not really loving the soup. . . I just wanted it because of the book). Maurice Sendak does the extraordinary illustrations. Here I have January, one side the words, one side the picture. Warning -- this book is addictive! I could read it
3. Poinsettia and Her Family -- written by Felicia Bond, of "If you give a Mouse/Moose/Pig" fame, this out of print book is a gold mine of ADORABLE pictures. I can only say I am too sad Amazon doesn't have the cover image available. I gave this book to my mom for Christmas about 4 years ago, because I'd found a used copy and I knew she's be thrilled. We used to get the Poinsettia books from the library as kids, and Mom could relate to poor Poinsettia who was just looking for a quiet place to read her book, but her house was full of siblings lying around "like seals". I've been searching for a link to show you some illustrations from the book, but you'll just have to take me on blind faith. Look for this oldie-but-goodie at the library!!
fond memories of the poky little puppy
all the different desserts that the Poky little puppy missed out on!!!!!! And yes, I LOVE to read aloud, and to be read reminds me of the sunny winter days in Wisconsin when we would gather in the Living Room, and mom would read. :) I remember I didn't have to sit strait in a chair, I could lounge on the floor with my legs all over the place and mom didn't care as long as I could hear. :)
all the different desserts that the Poky little puppy missed out on!!!!!! And yes, I LOVE to read aloud, and to be read reminds me of the sunny winter days in Wisconsin when we would gather in the Living Room, and mom would read. :) I remember I didn't have to sit strait in a chair, I could lounge on the floor with my legs all over the place and mom didn't care as long as I could hear. :)
My little brother's favorite book was The Poky Little Puppy!! Golden Books are awesome. awwww.
The most memorable to me were the Little House on the Prairie books and The Borrowers, both series that I plan to read to my own children!
2 things I remember about mom reading;
1. If Abby and I started chit-chatting during the story (rarely) she stopped and said, "If you're not gonna listen then I'll just stop." What a threat! I remember we were like scared to talk...
2. If she fell asleep (happened as we got older and prompted her for more and more chapters at night) she would start syaing things that didn't make sense, or she would snore and throw Abby and I into giggles, thus waking her up. :)
3. If/when dad came upstairs, he would walk in, see us all on his bed and say, "Whatever."
I miss it sooo much!
What a great idea for a post! I love classic books, although I'm not familiar with those. Thanks for the recommendations.
Oh Gretchen there is so much heart in this post!
Reading is such a myriad of emotional connections. Connecting with each other, the characters of the book... Your elegance with words stems from your mothers love to read to you from an early age I'm sure.
I loved the Poky little Puppy! Why on earth have I not read it to my B yet? Thanks for reminding me.
Again - a lovely way to honor your mother.
My family really liked Chicken Soup with Rice too. My brother Jeff had all the poems memorized and would recite them each month (when he thought of it). I believe he's shared that book with his kids.
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